Well Christmas has been and gone and I was so busy I didn’t get to post this photo of my rustic Devonmoor pottery collection, decorated with various handmade pieces purchased from friends – I think the colours work really well together. I’ve always loved pottery and did an “O” level whilst at college (showing my age!) but life didn’t take me in that direction until now…
You will recognise these spotty pots, which I have been developing with a lovely old potter (he’s 86!) called Ron Jackson. He lives locally and we have become firm friends over this past year. Full of interesting tales, he has spent his whole life in the area. As a boy he lived in “Garston” in Shaldon, a beautiful, prominent cottage on the main street.
After leaving school he got a job at Watcombe Pottery, got married & lived briefly in Maidencombe (where I live) in a tin roofed chalet, overlooking the sea. He settled with his wife in Teignmouth and spent years cycling to Watcombe & back along a very hilly coast road while she brought up their six children. Meeting such a character has enriched my life and when he offered to teach me to make the spotty pots myself I jumped at the chance!
So off I trot now, once a week, to throw pots on a wheel in his garden shed – interestingly he also makes his own clay, which he does in the garden by using some weird filtration system using various buckets and sieves! He’s going to show me how to do this too ‘cos, as he would say, “why waste money when you have the free raw materials on your doorstep?”
My crazy puppy Betsy is still at the centre of our lives, can’t believe I spend so much time dog walking – hard work but SO worth it & so many beautiful beaches to visit..
This is me and PP at Billie’s 17th birthday in January (blimey I’m old!) We had a scrummy meal at Bill’s in Exeter joined by my Dad, also celebrating his 77th (now HE IS old) Only joking Dadski!
Who has heard of Helen Bottrill from Kindred Rose? She is a talented textile artist from Devon who runs a brilliant Artisan Market in Blackborough Village Hall (where I shall be on Saturday 10-2pm) AND now runs a forum for creative women to meet up and inspire/support/motivate and share skills in a warm, friendly environment (with biscuits!)
The last meeting was on April 30th, I took Helene (my trusty sidekick & top candle salesperson) and we listened to brilliant talks from Kirsty Elson & Rachael (Grace and Favour Home) where they shared tips, advice and experiences. Helen is a natural for connecting people and uses her great sense of humour to put folk at ease, if you are creative and local take the time to research this worthwhile venture!
And try to pop along to the market on Saturday x