Plymouth, Plymouth & more Plymouth…

I have decided that Plymouth needs to become a bigger part of my life as being situated halfway between Plymouth and Exeter I always “pop into Exeter” rather than “pop down to Plymouth” and having spent the weekend there (Saturday at a vintage fair in the Guildhall)

and Sunday on a family adventure which involved much exploration of The Barbican, a boat trip along to Devonport, pasties (yum) ice creams (yum) and childish giggles from my 11 and 14 year old girls everytime we mentioned Plymouth Ho! (I don’t need to explain do I?)

If I had any spare cash (lol) I would invest in a little flat by The Barbican as one day it will be the place to go. It has undergone a transformation and is full of lovely restaurants, shops & bars, as we wandered around I couldn’t help thinking that if it was in London you wouldn’t be able to move – let alone get a waterside seat to eat your lunch. Beryl Cook would have a right shock if she could see it now.

One of the best sights that day was this 1950’s Morris ice-cream van, I wanted to steal it and drive it home….

As you can see we were not blessed with any sunshine (other than the sunshines that we took with us!) It was good fun though and well worth the trip, must return to my “Amaretto” candles now & pick up the monsters from school.

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