Well, May is upon us and I didn’t even manage a post in April which was so busy! Mainly because we went to Spain to stay with my lovely pal Sally and her daughter, a very necessary family holiday in the sun which was our Christmas present from my lovely Dad. We took lots of silly selfies on the plane,
and messed around with the panoramic feature on the phone. We visited the Dali museum in Figueres….
and Cadaques, where he lived with his wife and loved to paint, due to the beautiful light – a bit like St Ives I thought.
We went to see a couple of Medieval forts, Pals, now inhabited by artists…
and Peratallada, so beautiful & hardly a tourist in sight. The benefit of having a friend living in Spain is that you get to visit secret places.
The article about my house was in the May issue of Style at Home magazine which was quite exciting (and gave my Dad something else to think about for a while)
He told all his friends to buy a copy and a couple of the local shops had to restock! Although I wasn’t in a great place when they came to take the photos, you can’t really tell and I’m glad I did it as it’s a nice keepsake for the girls.
I haven’t had many orders since, so have made the decision to smarten up the website and my friend Mike Evans spent the day here last week taking some wonderful pictures – he’s so clever with lighting, watch this space…
My next fair is Miss Ivy‘s Revival at Cockington, Torquay on Saturday May 31st where you can find me in the main house, my friend Justin has just opened up a new company called “Gaff” based in one of the old barns by the playpark there, so if you are visiting the Miss Ivy event make sure you go and check out his newly upholstered, mid-century furniture for sale (there are a few smelly candles there too of course, in mid-century crock’s like Hornsea and Midwinter)
I was very excited to be invited to stall at Selina Lake‘s Fair and book signing in Guildford on July 5th where I get to catch up with crazy Kitty and our good friends in Woking. If you live “up-country” (as they say down here) make sure you go, it’ll be a great day out.
I need to go and get on with some candles (orange & ylang today) but must mention that I got a bit carried away at the auction the other day and bought loads of old pottery from Devon (Sandygate, Babbacombe, Watcombe, Torquay) produced between the 1930’s – 1960’s and depicting seagulls and spots. It really is gorgeous, so if you are a collector keep an eye on my facebook page as I fill them for sale….